Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On Our Way...

The first photo shoot went remarkably well. There were of course the unexpected issues that came up ((cough, cough)) a very late arrival from my husband caused me to be late and therefore I could not obtain a "SkinnyCan" prior to the shoot. :/ Oh well. The photographs should be edited and emailed to me shortly and when they are I will gladly post them. **Note: all photographs for this project will be watermarked out of respect for the photographer. Anyone seeking prints should contact me so that we can make arrangements. Thank you!** Onto the next issue: Abercrombie kids making padded bikini tops for 7 year old girls???? Needless to say this will be the subject matter for the next shoot.... Provided I can get Ray to agree to letting Alyssa model for us. Wish me luck! :)

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