Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Get Ready...

Joshua Tolby and I are getting preparing for our first photo shoot of a new project dedicated to celebrating beauty in all its forms. Beauty cannot be defined in one singular way. I believe that the media and our society as a whole places unrealistic ideas in the heads of women as to what they should look like. This pressure has detrimental consequences that are often ignored. Yes, there have been some who have spoken out against mainstream "beauty," but as a whole no one addresses the insecurities and decreased self-esteem women have as a result of the pressure placed upon us to be a certain size or shape. Join us in our celebration of real women realizing their true beauty. Stay tuned for more details and information. Encourage your friends to follow, "like" and participate in our movement. This is more than a collection of art. This project is about women coming to terms with who they are in this moment and finding the beauty in themselves. If you sometimes struggle to see the beauty in yourself, this is a project you want to be a part of. Let us help you find your true beauty.

It's going to be an exciting ride. Hop on!
~Andrea C.

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